Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Paris, Cupcakes and a lover

Drinking coffee, reading blogs and dreaming of cupcakes is what I find myself doing most days. Often my thoughts are consumed with tips to Paris, romantic getaways with a handsome lover and dare I say it lovin on that lover of mine and once again cupcakes. My job offers me lots of free time to surf the web, chit chat online and daydream the day away. Don’t get me wrong, I do actually work but I answer phones and short mail that doesn’t have a home. Dream job some might say or worse enemy for the mind others. Right now I am caught in the middle of both those feelings.

I am grateful everyday that I have a job, can make a car payment and am able to eat and have a little fun. After being let go from my last job without much reason I have been working through many feelings of self doubt and direction. Well enough is enough! Along with finding a passion, opps that’s not going well, I need to keep busy. I want to cook more and go on more walks read every day and just get happy with life. I have to remind myself that I am blessed in every way. I have a family and wonderful one, friends who I admire and are top notch friends and a million other reasons to be happy. So, Damnit I am going to be so freaking happy is going to make others happy!

Maybe I will start with planning my dream trip to France… lover included. I am thinking a James McAvoy type. Yum….him and cupcakes in the same room, I best not go on!

What makes you happy on the inside? Where is your dream Vacation too?